Wheeler & Alyssa Corsa


Team Info

Task Force: California Task Force 4 (CA-TF4)
Agency: Berkeley Fire Department
Level: In training to certify

Search Dog Info

Breed: Yellow Labrador Retriever
Sex: Male
Born: November 24, 2021
Recruited from Dogs For Better Lives
Sponsors: Ann Cooluris, Nahikian Family Foundation, and an anonymous donor


Wheeler came to us from SDF’s career change partner in Oregon, Dogs for Better Lives (DBL), where search dogs Bond, Bonus, and Bosco also began their journeys. Like them, Wheeler was released from DBL’s program due to his exuberant personality and endless drive. Instead, DBL trainers thought Wheeler would enjoy disaster search, a career that better suited his talents, and he caught a ride to our campus with Angel Flight West pilot Michael Kennedy.  

At our campus, trainers found Wheeler incredibly biddable, and he quickly got into the swing of things. Always excited to learn something new, once Wheeler figured out that finding the “victim” was the key to a fun reward, he was determined to locate the hidden person and let his trainers know about it with some big, impressive barks! Wheeler was officially accepted into the USAR program, and trainers loved working with this handsome boy, who they call “remarkably intelligent.” Wheeler definitely found his calling. He graduated from our program in May 2024 and was paired with Alyssa Corsa of California Task Force 4 on June 2, 2024.  

Alyssa Corsa became an EMT in 2017 and a firefighter in 2021. While she was in the fire academy working as a paramedic, she learned about search and rescue dogs in the field and began looking into becoming a canine handler. Many of her California Task Force 4 teammates had gone through the SDF program and described it as “doggy Disneyland” and the happiest place on earth. They also shared that the SDF trainers put time and a great deal of love into each canine’s training. 

In the Handler Training Program, Alyssa’s first impression of Wheeler was that he always looked happy. At that point, handlers were just learning how to engage with the dogs in toy play and she wanted to master the right way to throw the toy to make Wheeler happy. Alyssa said she had a feeling that she and Wheeler were a match after one of their searches when he found the victim and made his way off the rubble pile. As Alyssa struggled to navigate her way off the pile, she thought Wheeler had taken his own path and disappeared, but to her surprise, Wheeler was waiting for her at the bottom.  

Now that they’re partners, Alyssa and Wheeler are working together to develop more confidence as a team to pass their certification. Alyssa says she is excited to embark on this journey with Wheeler and see him continue learning and growing as time goes on. She says, “I envision a long and happy career together as a search team. Wheeler is such an incredible dog, and I know he will someday make a difference in someone’s life other than mine.”