Training Opportunities

Choose your training experience based on the needs of you and your canine partner

At the Search Dog Foundation, we believe that every working dog team should have access to training opportunities that not only technically prepare them for their work, but that also strengthen their bond through the connection forged during sessions. Not every canine team has training opportunities offered nearby, the ability to travel, or others to mentor them during their career, and SDF is proud to offer a variety of programs that help facilitate these opportunities for every team:


Training Opportunities – see the various types of training we offer on our campus, all free-of-charge.

On-Campus Lodging – for a low nightly rate, we welcome canine teams to stay on our campus, fully immersed in their training. Combine a task force team training on campus with one or more of the training opportunities below!

Search Team Fund – with three benefits programs designed to provide financial assistance for working dog teams (for both training travel and medical expenses), we don’t want any handler to have to choose between helping their canine partner thrive and paying bills.

Open Trainings

These single-day multi-scenario trainings challenge experienced search teams with setups designed to provide problem-solving situations with minimal formal instruction and no indication given as to the number of victims within the designated search area. The emphasis on the handler and canine working together through a challenging problem allows each team to gain experience and skills in preparation for deployment.



  • All participants must be currently active US&R teams attached to a state or federal task force.
  • SDF will confirm with their task force each team’s experience and skill level before approving participation.
  • SDF team members will facilitate training scenarios, ensuring the safety of each team.
  • Space is limited and participation will be approved in the order each reservation is received at the link below.


These instructor-led educational workshops created by the Penn Vet Working Dog Center provides handlers with a basic knowledge of canine fitness, strength, and conditioning exercises designed to keep working canines in peak physical shape.



  • All participants must be currently active US&R teams attached to a state or federal task force.
  • Space is limited and participation will be approved in the order each reservation is received at the link below.

Handler Training Program Audit

With the primary purpose of partnering SDF handler candidates with trained canine candidates, SDF has opened the Handler Training Program audit spots for working dog handlers wanting to learn about our training philosophy, marker and reward systems, and experience our program. This course audit opportunity allows either a working audit experience, working with canine candidates in our program, or an observational audit experience, absorbing knowledge without handling a canine.



  • All participants must be currently active working dog handlers.
  • Working audit spots are for participants working with SDF’s canine candidates, NOT a participant’s canine.
  • Observational audit spots are for participants NOT handling a canine during the course.
  • Space is limited and participation will be approved in the order each reservation is received at the link below.

Drop-In Trainings

SDF’s training team works with our canine candidates each day on a variety of training elements and we invite US&R handlers to drop-in with our team during these sessions with their own canines. These shorter, single-element-focused trainings allow handlers to work on specific parts of their training with feedback and guidance from our professional trainers, if requested.



  • All participants must be a US&R team attached to a state or federal task force.
  • Participants must sign up at least 48 hours in advance of drop-in training session.
  • SDF team members will facilitate trainings but these are not intended to be formal coaching sessions. Feedback will be provided if requested.
  • Space is limited and participation will be approved in the order each reservation is received at the link below.