On July 31, 2018, SDF-trained Search Teams Derek Chaky & Scout and Laurel Pitman & Sonic deployed just after noon to a two-story parking garage collapse in Irving, TX. With 21 vehicles impacted by the rubble, rescuers needed to confirm no one had been inside the structure when it fell. Thankfully, the teams responded immediately and began searching the debris.
Both teams worked closely with first responders on scene to conduct primary and secondary searches, ensuring they essentially “double-checked” the rubble pile to be certain no one was left behind. After their dogs confirmed that no one was buried, the handlers gave fellow rescuers the “all-clear” so the lengthy task of cleaning up the debris could begin.
Read a local news story about the incident here.
While today had a happy ending, it could have been a very different story and this highlights the invaluable service these incredible dogs and their handlers provide the community, state and country when a disaster strikes, no matter the scale.
They couldn't do their jobs without the support of our SDF family, so thank you all for being Part of the Search!