Search Teams

Our Search Teams

Baja California Task Force 3 (BC-TF3)

California Regional Task Force 7 (CA-RTF7) Ventura County

California Task Force 1 (CA-TF1) Los Angeles City

California Task Force 2 (CA-TF2) Los Angeles County

California Task Force 3 (CA-TF3) Bay Area

California Task Force 4 (CA-TF4) Oakland

California Task Force 5 (CA-TF5) Orange County

California Task Force 7 (CA-TF7) Sacramento

California Task Force 8 (CA-TF8) San Diego

Nebraska Task Force 1 (NE-TF1)

New York Task Force 2 (NY-TF2)

Oklahoma Task Force 1 (OK-TF1)

Utah Task Force 1 (UT-TF1)

Virginia Task Force 1 (VA-TF1)

Virginia Task Force 2 (VA-TF2)

Georgia & Clint Schepe

Team Info


Task Force: California Task Force 8 (CA-TF8)
Agency: Chula Vista Fire
Level: DHS/FEMA Certified
Most Recent Certification: October 28, 2018


Search Dog Info

Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer
Sex: Female
Born: July 15, 2015
Recruited from: Union County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control in Blairsville, GA
Recruited by: Greg Strickland
Sponsors: Jeff & Mary Kroll

Discovered at Union County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control in Blairsville, Georgia, this vivacious pup is winning hearts on the West Coast! Animal control officers had picked her up as a stray and she had no name, so SDF staff felt the name “Georgia” seemed fitting, as she is the first dog we have ever recruited from that state! A one year-old German Shorthaired Pointer, Georgia was identified by SDF Canine Recruiter, Greg Strickland, who is also a Canine Handler for Florida Task Force 1. Greg easily described Georgia in just one word: “FAST!

Georgia’s been in SDF’s training program since February 2017 and shows no signs of slowing down!  In fact, SDF Trainer Lyz Gregory says, “Georgia is a dog that we have to try and slow down daily because it’s important to make sure she’s retaining the lesson we just taught; not just breezing right through it. But she is coming along very nicely and has an incredibly sweet temperament. I am confident that she is going to do great things in this field.

Several months later, Georgia graduated SDF’s training program with she was paired with Firefighter/Paramedic Clint Schepe on November 3, 2017. As members of Chula Vista Fire Department in Southern California, the team now trains regularly with their California Task Force 8 teammates. These next few months are crucial as Georgia and Clint work on strengthening their bond as well as the skills they need to achieve Certification with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This Certification is required in order for any Canine Search Specialist to deploy with their task force. We look forward to watching their careers unfold together!