The Search Team Fund is a financial assistance program established in 2008, offering help to handlers with out-of-pocket expenses not covered by their task forces or government agencies. In the last few years, we have added more benefits to the program and expanded the scope of eligibility to include more working dog teams throughout the United States, regardless of where they were initially trained.
We are proud to lessen the financial burden on these teams so they can remain focused on what’s important: staying deployment-ready to assist communities in need.
Search Team Grant
The Search Team Grant is designed to help provide active live-find and human remains detection disaster canine handlers operating in the federal and state urban search and rescue (US&R) systems and nonprofit-affiliated wilderness search, avalanche search, and odor detection canine handlers gain the skills and experience needed to be ready for deployment by lessening the burden of their out-of-pocket expenses for training and equipment.
Over the last decade, this program has made it possible for first responder canine handlers to attend specialized training, purchase training gear and equipment, and pay for travel expenses and other costs not covered by their task forces.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and State Urban Search and Rescue Alliance (SUSAR) US&R handlers (live-find and human remains) and nonprofit-affiliated wilderness search, avalanche search, and odor detection handlers in good standing with their organizations who have met their training requirements.
Grant funding may be used for registration fees and travel costs associated with training events outside your area, as well as training equipment and canine care items like treadmills and crates. Equipment that should be provided by the task force, like PPE, and “basic pet items” such as toys, tugs, collars, leashes, are not eligible for funding. This grant may be used to purchase a new crate every 5 years.
Continuous – grant applications are reviewed by committee in the order they are received, funding permitting. SDF releases funds on the first business day of every quarter beginning at 10 a.m. Pacific Time on the following dates:
October 1, 2024
January 2, 2025
April 1, 2025
July 1, 2025
Individual handlers may request up to $1,000 per SDF fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) per one (1) canine. Handlers with canines in multiple disciplines may apply for a maximum of two (2) grants, one per canine per discipline. Please submit one application per canine.
A description of how the funds were used, photos, and receipts for all items within 45 days of purchase.
The Search Team Grant is now closed for this quarter’s funding cycle. The grant will reopen for applications on April 1, 2025, at 10 a.m. Pacific Time.
If you are not already on our mailing list, please contact [email protected] to ensure you receive communications regarding this grant and other information for working dog handlers.
Canine Healthcare Fund
Every SDF-trained canine receives medical coverage for the entirety of their lives, even after retirement. The Canine Healthcare Fund ensures that our search dogs receive the best veterinary care at no cost to the handler, fire department, or task force.
In addition, SDF now offers the Canine Healthcare Grant, supporting non-SDF-trained handlers of active and retired state and federal disaster search canines and nonprofit-affiliated wilderness search, avalanche search, and odor detection canines with veterinary costs attributed to wellness, illness, and injury that are not funded through a handler’s organization, fire department or task force budgets.
Active and retired Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and State Urban Search and Rescue Alliance (SUSAR) certified US&R handlers (live-find and human remains) and nonprofit-affiliated certified wilderness search, avalanche search, and odor detection canines attached to and in good standing with a nonprofit organization, state or federal task force that does not provide medical expense coverage for their canine(s).
- Wellness
- One annual exam
- One annual heartworm test
- One annual fecal test
- One annual urinalysis test
- Rabies, DHLPP (or DHPP), Parvo/Coronavirus, and Bordatella vaccinations
- Blood work (as ordered by your veterinarian for a specific symptom or condition)
- Accident, Injury, Illness
- Cancer treatment (please apply for the Petco Love Canine Cancer Fund below)
- Prescription medications (these must be prescribed by your veterinarian for a specific condition, following a full exam)
- Physical therapy (this must be pre-approved by SDF and recommended by your veterinarian for a specific condition)
- Chiropractic or other alternative care (this must be pre-approved by SDF and recommended by your veterinarian for a specific condition)
- End-of-life care (i.e. euthanasia, cremation)
- Dental cleaning (unless ordered by your veterinarian)
- Flea, tick, and heartworm prevention products
- Shampoo, conditioner, ear cleaner, and any other basic canine care products
- Health certificate for travel (Note: If this is for travel related to a Search Team Grant training trip, please include the health certificate cost in your initial application for approval)
Continuous – grant applications are reviewed via email in the order they are received.
Individual handlers may request up to $1,000 per SDF fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) for a Live-Find and/or Human Remains Detection canine, limit one (1) dog in each discipline.
A description of how the funds were used, photos, and receipts for all items within 45 days of purchase.
Please submit your application for the Canine Healthcare Grant here.
If you are not already on our mailing list, please contact [email protected] to ensure you receive communications regarding this grant and other information for working dog handlers.
Petco Love Canine Cancer Fund
The Petco Love Canine Cancer Fund was established in 2012 to provide funding for active and retired working canines in urban search and rescue, wilderness, human remains detection, avalanche, military, and police disciplines that have been diagnosed with forms of cancer. Petco Love, Blue Buffalo, and the Search Dog Foundation partnered to create this grant to ensure that no handler will ever have to make the choice between financial stability and prolonging his or her canine partner’s quality of life due to a cancer diagnosis.
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria to be considered for funding:
- Working canines (active and retired) in certified search disciplines – US&R (urban search and rescue), wilderness, human remains, avalanche, military, and police department canines are also able to participate.
- Canines with a specified cancer diagnosis.
- Certification and affiliation must be confirmed with sponsoring agency.
The Petco Love Canine Cancer Fund may be used to cover expenses of a cancer diagnosis, treatment, palliative, and end-of-life care for working canines that qualify for funding.
Continuous – grant applications are reviewed via email in the order they are received.
Funding is awarded on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the Petco Love Canine Cancer Fund can help support as many working dog teams facing a cancer diagnosis as possible each year.
We want to make this process as simple as possible for handlers during a very difficult time after receiving a canine partner’s cancer diagnosis. In general, the application process is as follows:
- Submit an application at the link above with your dog’s full cancer medical history and the prognosis, as well as the potential treatment plan if suggested by the veterinarian.
- Notify your veterinarian that a staff member from SDF may contact them with specific questions about your canine’s diagnosis and give them permission to speak with us about his/her case.
- SDF reviews the application and diagnosis and contacts your vet, if necessary.
- SDF will contact you with the outcome of your request.
- If approved, your commitment to helping ensure support for future canines in need includes submitting a photo and short story of your canine’s life and career to SDF via email.
- SDF will provide payment information to your veterinarian or mail a check to you for expenses incurred
To apply for the Petco Love Canine Cancer Fund, go to: https://searchdogfoundation.formstack.com/forms/canine_cancer_fund_app
These benefits are made possible by donations from individuals, foundations, and organizations nationwide who believe in the work you do and support SDF’s mission of strengthening disaster response in America, including:
Allen Hohnroth and Renee Berlin
David and Barbara Barnhart
Cencora Impact Foundation
Farmers Insurance®
The Mauck Family, In Loving Memory of Scott Mauck
Any questions about the Search Team Fund benefits programs can be emailed to our Search Team Operations team at [email protected].