Andy, a handsome Golden Retriever, came to the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) by way of Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin (GRRoW). Andy had lived with two different families prior to ending up in a midwest shelter, because his energy and enthusiasm were more than either could handle. GRRoW discovered him at the shelter, and observed right away that this dog wanted a job. Adolescent Goldens usually have high energy, but Andy’s was off the scale. He needed direction for his energy! And GRRoW knew just whom to call.
Andy’s training was paid in part through a memorial fund established by the Haberman Family of Wisconsin, who lost their daughter, Andrea, in the World Trade Center attack. He was named Andy to honor her memory when he was accepted into SDF’s program.
Before beginning his search dog training, this enthusiastic dog moved into his Canine Prep Home with SDF employee Kerry Ballantine, charming his way into her life. After leaving Kerry, Andy would spend the next six months completing a vigorous and specialized training program at Sundowners Training Kennels in Gilroy, CA. His seemingly endless energy was more than enough to endure the SDF training program, a process that involves learning advanced obedience, understanding verbal and non-verbal commands, searching rubble piles, walking on shifting and unstable surfaces, climbing ladders, distinguishing the scent of a live “victim” from all other scents, and signaling with a “bark alert” when a live scent is detected. Andy completed his training, continuing to demonstrate his high energy level as well as a newly-found focus on his work.
Andy was paired with two other handlers before being matched perfectly with his true partner, Russell Tao, in 2005. Russell is an experienced SDF handler, having achieved Advanced Certification with his first disaster canine partner, Harry. Tragically, Harry died suddenly of a heart condition in January of 2005. It was very important to Russell to continue on as a disaster search dog handler with a new canine, despite his loss. So Andy was in need of a new handler and Russell was in need of a new canine partner. The two could not have been happier and quickly formed a strong bond.
Within months of being paired, Russell and Andy achieved advanced FEMA Certification and began assisting with rescue efforts following several important events, deploying to:
Mudslide Pre-Staging – Orange County, CA on December 6, 2007
Hurricane Gustav – Louisiana on September 1, 2008
Hurricane Ike – Galveston, TX on September 8, 2008
Following a successful career, Russell decided to retire his faithful four-legged partner on July 6, 2011—his tenth birthday. And so Andy spent the rest of his days as a beloved family pet in Russell’s home.
Sadly, Andy crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 9, 2014 due to natural causes. He is very much missed.
To this day, Russell keeps a photo of Andrea Haberman in the front pocket of his search vest, never forgetting her incredible story and the human-canine bond that he shared with his partner, Andy.