Hugo & Sheila Stern


Team Info


Task Force: Nebraska Task Force 1 (NE-TF1)
Level: Certified



Search Dog Info


Breed: Labrador Retriever
Sex: Male
Born: February 13, 2020
Recruited from Kaiser K9
Sponsor: The Joel and Dena Gambord Family



When our Senior Director of Canine Operations was visiting the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet), Emily and Stephanie Kaiser of Kaiser K9 presented Hugo as a potential SDF candidate. Hugo had originally been trained to be a medical response service dog, but when circumstances with his handler changed, Hugo needed a new career. The Kaisers thought he would be great at urban search and rescue, and when Hugo was evaluated on Penn Vet’s rubble pile, he performed very well. The Kaisers generously offered to donate him to SDF, and Hugo caught a ride on the Four-Legged Kids Bus from the East Coast to our National Training Center in California. 


Goofy Hugo quickly became a staff favorite in training thanks to his funny antics and sweet personality. Hugo loved his toys and would rather zoom around running laps with them instead of returning them to his handler, but after many months of spending time focusing on cooperative toy play, Hugo is now a perfect gentleman while playing! Hugo is still a silly boy, but he matured in his work ethic and even participated in a rubble search demo for visitors on campus. Hugo completed the last of his skill proficiencies in late 2022 and was officially paired with Sheila Stern of Nebraska Task Force 1 (NE-TF1) on March 4, 2023. 


As a child, Sheila wanted to go into veterinary medicine and worked as a vet tech before becoming a first responder. Feeling strongly that her dog needed a job, she read a book on K9 search and rescue and certified with a local wilderness team. After her first deployment, she realized the need for good search dogs and enjoyed training and bonding with her dog, so she became a canine handler. Sheila has been a first responder for twelve years and has had certified dogs for ten, deploying multiple times with FEMA, SUSAR, and KSARDA (a regional wilderness team). She heard about SDF by networking with other handlers and SDF staff at events and certifications.    


Sheila brought Hugo into her pack as her fourth dog, and she always makes sure everyone gets their share of attention and training. Sheila and Hugo achieved FEMA certification in June 2024 and are ready to serve their community and country when called upon to help.