Happy Tails – Hank busts crime in his busy new detection and tracking career

Hank’s journey began in Utah, where he lived with his owners, their kids, and other dogs. Despite having canine companions to play with, Hank’s boundless energy and toy obsession often left his owners exhausted and at their wits’ end. Hank’s love for toys was unparalleled, and while this was initially endearing, his owners found it difficult to keep up with his insatiable appetite for playtime, so they made the decision to list him for adoption in the hopes of finding him a new home that could provide him the attention he needed.

An SDF recruiter noticed Hank’s ad in the local paper and immediately contacted the owners to set up a time to meet him. While conducting initial screening tests, the recruiter found that Hank possessed many of the traits SDF looks for in its canine recruits, such as a strong hunt drive, high motivation, and toy obsession. The recruiter could see that Hank had working dog potential, and Hank seemed to agree, jumping right into the recruiter’s car as if to say, “I’m coming with you!”

Hank made his way to SDF’s campus with the help of Angel Flight West volunteer pilots, but before he could officially begin his training, his medical screening revealed that he may be better suited for a career in a less physically rigorous environment. Disaster search and rescue requires dogs to be able to efficiently traverse a wide range of terrains, so the ability to handle physically high-impact work like jumping and climbing over uneven piles of rubble and debris is a prerequisite to help prevent injuries. However, a less physically intensive career was still a possibility for Hank, and SDF was determined to help him find a suitable placement that would allow him to channel his abundant energy into a career he loved.

SDF reached out to our career change partners at Sector K9, who recognized Hank’s potential and accepted him into their training program. Under the guidance of his new trainers, he began training in narcotics detection and tracking, and from the start, it was clear that Hank was on the right path! His trainers couldn’t help but sing his praises as he dove into his work with enthusiasm, meeting each new challenge with determination.

He continued to excel in his training as he developed the skills needed for drug detection work, and in March 2022, he was officially placed with the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office as a tracking and narcotics detection canine! Since then, Hank has proven himself to be a valuable asset to his team, deploying more than 60 times in just over two years! Hank has helped successfully track down suspects attempting to evade capture on foot and is credited with locating myriad illegal narcotics and firearms, resulting in their removal from the streets and potentially saving countless lives.

We’re thrilled to see Hank thriving in a job he loves, and we have no doubt he will continue to make a positive impact in Grimes County, serving his community and helping to make it a safer place for all!


Click here to learn more about our Canine Placement Program!