Category: <span>Newsletters</span>

The Quest 2016

Don’t miss any of the incredible moments that marked our 20th Anniversary Year!

Turning twenty was a big milestone for the Search Dog Foundation, and there’s much to celebrate – including YOU and the thousands of people who have made donations, volunteered their time, and shared our story to help spread the word about our mission over the last two decades.

SDF wouldn’t be here without you, and we deeply value the personal role you’ve played in our successes.

All of us – Search Dogs, Handlers, Staff and Board alike – are feeling excited about our future, and the impact we can make through our combined efforts.

And now that we have moved to our new home at the National Training Center, we know the best is yet to come as we expand our programs and our ability to provide a critical resource to our communities and country. We can’t wait to share it all with you over the next twenty years!

With their noses and your heart, together, we can make a difference.

Together, we are the Search Dog Foundation.