
Age: 2 years

Sex:  Female

Breed: Labrador Retriever

Weight: 55 lbs

Beth is a high-octane athlete with a sharp mind and boundless energy. She has been exploring her potential in detection work, where her relentless retrieve and love of the hunt have stood out—she’s still searching for the right fit where her talents can shine. Her high drive is balanced by her desire to connect, making her as affectionate as she is athletic

She’s an adrenaline seeker who thrives on adventure with a partner by her side. Whether sprinting, tugging, or solving training puzzles, Beth puts her whole heart into everything she does. She’s currently learning scent detection and is picking it up quickly, showing just how much she thrives when given thoughtful, structured work. With the right guidance, Beth could excel in conservation detection, scent work, or another activity that engages both her mind and body.

Beth has lived with other dogs and cats. She does well with other dogs and knows how to advocate for herself in a clear, appropriate way. She enjoys playing fetch and tug and loves to retrieve over and over… and over again! While she can be persistent for affection, she’s the sweetest little seal—completely unbothered by the concept of personal space. She’s not above reminding you if you forget to give her attention, pressing in close to soak up every bit of affection. While she has some reluctance in certain environments, it doesn’t limit her ability to thrive when given the right guidance.

Beth is looking for an active person who will embrace her high working drive and provide consistent structure as she continues to build confidence. If you’re searching for a dog with heart, athleticism, and endless potential, Beth is ready to be your partner.