
Age: 1 year 8 months

Sex:  Male (N)

Breed: Labrador Retriever / Weimaraner (Mix)

Weight: 65.6 lbs

Long, lanky, silly, funny, fun, sensitive AND smart–that’s our Teddy! This young pup has a zest for life and a spunky energetic demeanor. He loves to be outside, loves to play and he loves to run! If dogs were race horses…or vice versa…

He came to us all the way from New York where he had been raised in a family home until they realized they could not provide proper outlets for his energy nor give him the attention that he craved.  So now we are on the search for someone who can appreciate his enthusiasm for life and his playful nature.

The sweet thing about Teddy is, he is a bonder. It might take him a minute while in the meantime, THE WORLD IS OUT THERE GRABBING HIS ATTENTION. He has a confident and independent side, but as his relationship grows with a person, so does he.  If you are a handler or partner who likes working/being in relationship with your dog, Teddy could be a phenomenal match.

Teddy is still quite young and not completely aware of where his body is in space, so if he gets the zoomies, you might watch out! This is just one more enticing thing about him, though. He is still so moldable and with the right person who knows how to guide and channel his zests, watch out world!

This kid is going to be amazing some day. He already kinda is, but he is the kind of pup who will just get better and better as he matures, learns and trusts more, most likely earning the title of: BEST DOG I EVER HAD!