Team Info
Task Force: Nebraska Task Force 1 (NE-TF1)
Level: Certified
Search Dog Info
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Sex: Male
Born: April 12, 2019
Recruited from the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society
Recruited by the South Dakota Canine Center
Sponsor: The Joel and Dena Gambord Family
Dempsey was found wandering as a stray in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, taken to the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society, and never claimed by his family. Usually, a handsome yellow Lab would be a no-brainer for adopters, but Dempsey’s massive size and extreme energy were too much to handle for most pet homes. Luckily, SDF recruiters spotted him and recognized Dempsey as a high-drive dog who needed a job. They were right— Dempsey excelled at search, graduated training, and was paired with a handler in April 2022.
After a few weeks at home with his handler, Dempsey developed a limp. X-rays revealed Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) in his shoulder, a condition in which cartilage breaks off in a joint, causing inflammation and pain. Dempsey’s career had to be put on hold. He returned to our care on April 19 and was placed with an SDF foster as we explored his options.
In addition to the OCD, further diagnostics uncovered abnormalities in Dempsey’s elbows that could eventually cause arthritis. On July 12, Dempsey had arthroscopic surgery on four of his joints to address these issues. Later, platelet-rich plasma injections were administered to help the cells in Dempsey’s joints regenerate and mend.
As Dempsey’s incisions healed, we slowly began integrating rehabilitative exercises, including the use of an underwater treadmill. As he gained stamina, he was also eased back into fitness training. Under the expert care of doctors and SDF staff, Dempsey healed spectacularly. At his follow-up appointment, his surgeon was thrilled with Dempsey’s progress and gave him a glowing report: as long as Dempsey is fit and comfortable, there’s no reason he can’t continue his career in search.
Fully recovered and re-evaluated on all his foundational elements, Dempsey was paired with Kevin Tatro of Nebraska Task Force 1 (NE-TF1) on March 4, 2023.
Kevin Tatro began doing volunteer work helping people and animals in 2000 and happened to meet a search and rescue canine handler at an event. That got him thinking about how he could combine his love for animals and helping people by becoming a canine handler himself. He started with a nonprofit group and then joined the Iowa and Nebraska task forces. Through his work on the task forces, he met SDF handlers and decided to pursue becoming a Canine Search Specialist.
Following graduation, Dempsey returned home with Kevin and joined his family in Iowa. They trained diligently with task force teammates and achieved certification to be eligible to deploy with them as needed. Iowa Task Force 1 (IA-TF1) operates within the SUSAR system, so Kevin and Dempsey traveled to Chicago, IL, and achieved SUSAR certification in October of 2023. They were in Tampa, FL three months later, achieving FEMA certification for Nebraska Task Force 1. The team is now able to deploy with either task force as necessary.
The team’s first deployment occurred on May 28, 2023, when a building collapsed in Davenport, IA. Upon completing the search, the IA-TF1 Canine Coordinator shared, “Dempsey didn’t miss a beat. He is the most agile dog I’ve ever seen. I had to hold my breath a few times! Thanks again for providing us with awesome dogs who get the job done.”
Then in October of 2024, the team deployed with NE-TF1 to Hurricane Milton, a category 3 storm that passed right through Florida. Kevin and Dempsey were able to assist citizens for a week before returning home to share with teammates lessons learned out in the field!
Kevin and Dempsey continue to train regularly with task force teammates in Iowa and Nebraska, preparing for the next call to action.