Missing person search in Oklahoma City

Missing person search in Oklahoma City

A train conductor contacted authorities on August 8 after the train he was driving hit a man near downtown Oklahoma City and he saw the man hurled into tall grass. Dane Yaw & Salsa were called out at 1:00pm to search for the man.

A police canine worked the west side of the tracks while Dane & Salsa worked the east side. Once each side was searched, the dog teams switched sides to double check. For a one mile stretch, Salsa would disappear in the tall grass, then pop out again every 10-20 feet to check in with Dane. Neither dog alerted, so after a 45-minute search in 100+ degree heat, the search was called off. Police later located a witness who claimed to have seen a man, matching the description given by the train conductor, run from the grass shortly after police walked by.